# Simple perl script to connect to Oracle database using DBI::Oracle
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Get the count of the parameters
my $count=@ARGV;
# if paramters are not 3 exit
if ($count!=3) {
print "Usage: ./dbcon.pl [dbname] [user] [password]\n";
exit ;
use strict;
use DBI;
# Assign the parameter values to variables
my $db=$ARGV[0];
my $usr=$ARGV[1];
my $pass=$ARGV[2];
# Connect to database
my $dbh=DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:$db",$usr,$pass)
or die "Connection failed DBI::errstr";
# Prepare the sql statement
my $sql="select name,open_mode,log_mode,database_role from v\$database";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($sql);
# Execute the sql statement
# Fetch the data and dilpay
my @row=$sth->fetchrow_array;
print "Database Details\n";
print "Database Name: $row[0]\n";
print "Database Role: $row[3]\n";
print "Open Mode : $row[1]\n";
print "Log Mode : $row[2]\n";
# Disconnect from the database
# Output
[oracle@db10g]$ chmod +x dbcon.pl
[oracle@db10g]$ ./dbcon.pl
Usage: ./4.pl [dbname] [user] [password]
[oracle@db10g]$ ./dbcon.pl db10g naikh naikh
Database DetailsDatabase
Database Role: PRIMARY
Open Mode : READ WRITE
Monday, December 31, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
RMAN Backup Restoration Drill
This post explains the procedure to test the RMAN backups on a test box. Here I am doing only partial restoration (not full database) due to space constraints.
$ scp init
2. Create password file
$ orapwd file=orapw
3. Create necessary folders in /restore_path
$ cd /restore_path
$ mkdir adump bdump cdump udump redo data archive
4. Restore the control file
$ export ORACLE_SID=
$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
sql> startup nomount pfile=/restore_path/init
sql> exit
$ rman target /
rman> run {
allocate channel c1 type disk;
restore controlfile from '/restore_path/rman_controlfile_bkp.ctl';
5. Catalog all the backup files
rman> alter database mount;
rman> catalog backuppiece '/restore_path/ORADB_rman_full_bkp_s5_p1;
rman> catalog backuppiece '/restore_path/ORADB_rman_full_bkp_s4_p2;
rman> catalog backuppiece '/restore_path/ORADB_rman_full_bkp_s3_p3;
6. Restore selected tablespace
rman> run {
allocate channel c1 type disk;
allocate channel c2 type disk;
allocate channel c3 type disk;
allocate channel c4 type disk;
allocate channel c5 type disk;
set newname for datafile 1 to '/restore_path/data/system01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 3 to '/restore_path/data/sysaux01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 42 to '/restore_path/data/audit_data01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 2 to '/restore_path/data/audit_data.dbf';
set newname for datafile 10 to '/restore_path/data/undotbs01.dbf';
restore tablespace system;
restore tablespace syasaux;
restore tablespace undotbs01;
restore tablespace audit_data;
switch datafile all;
7. Drop all the remaining datafiles which are not included in restore drill
alter database datafile 5 offline off;
alter database datafile 15 offline off;
alter database datafile 25 offline off;
alter database datafile 35 offline off;
8. Recover database
$ export ORACLE_SID=
$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
sql> recover database using backup contrlfile until cancel;
9. Restore archive logs
$ rman target /
rman> run {
set archivelog destination to '/restore_path/archive/';
allocate channel c1 type disk;
allocate channel c2 type disk;
restore archivelog from sequence 2503 until sequence 2150;
9.1 For RAC
restore archivelog from sequence 2503 until sequence 2150 thread=1;
restore archivelog from sequence 2503 until sequence 2150 thread=2;
10. Rename Redo log files
sql> alter database rename file '/prod_path/redo/reado01.log' to
11. Cleare all redo log groups
sql> alter database cleare logfile group 1;
sql> alter database cleare logfile group 2;
sql> alter database cleare logfile group 3;
12. Open the database with openrestlog option
sql> alter database open resetlogs;
13. Query the database
sql> select name,open_mode,log_mode,database_role from v$database;
14. Drop the database
sql> shutdown abort;
sql> startup nomount;
sql> alter database mount exclusive;
sql> alter system enable restricted session;
sql> drop database;
15. Drop all the directories created for restoration
$ rmdir adump bdump cdump udump redo data archive
Perl DBD::Oracle
Installing Perl DBD::Oracle on linux
1. Download DBD::Oracle from the link
search for DBD-Oracle in modules
2. Uncompress the downloaded file
$ gunzip DBD-Oracle-1.19.tat[1].gz
3. Untar the file
$ tar -xvf DBD-Oracle-1.19.tat[1]
$ cd DBD-Oracle-1.19
4. Login as root
$ su - root
password: *****
5. Go to DBD-Oracle-1.19 directory
$cd DBD-Oracle-1.19
6. Install the module
$ export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
$ perl MakeFile.PL
$ make
$ make test
$ make intall
$ exit [exit from the root]
1. Download DBD::Oracle from the link
search for DBD-Oracle in modules
2. Uncompress the downloaded file
$ gunzip DBD-Oracle-1.19.tat[1].gz
3. Untar the file
$ tar -xvf DBD-Oracle-1.19.tat[1]
$ cd DBD-Oracle-1.19
4. Login as root
$ su - root
password: *****
5. Go to DBD-Oracle-1.19 directory
$cd DBD-Oracle-1.19
6. Install the module
$ export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
$ perl MakeFile.PL
$ make
$ make test
$ make intall
$ exit [exit from the root]
Thursday, November 22, 2007
These are some of the issues which i have faced while managing the physical standby database:
1. ORA-00368: Checksum error
2. ORA-01119: Error in creating database file
1. ORA-00368: Checksum error
ORA-00368: checksum error in redo log block
ORA-00353: log corruption near block 10241 change 2700 time 11/22/2007
ORA-00334: archived log: '/archivelog/oradb1_arc_10444_596803436.arc'
Reason for the above error:
If checksum of the archive file at the production and standby
database is different. Compare the checksum using md5sum.
a. If archive log file is present at the production box.
Then move the file to standby box.
b. Else Restore the archive log file from RMAN backup.
RMAN> restore archivelog logseq=42603 thread=1;
Transferred the file to standby box.
c. Make sure the checksum of the file ar prod and standbby box is same.
Use md5sum command.
d. Register the logfile:
SQL> alter database register or replace logfile '/archivelog/oradb1_arc_42603_596803436.arc';
2. ORA-01119: Error in creating database file
ORA-01119: error in creating database file '/opt/oraprod/tbs2.dbf'
ORA-27054: NFS file system where the file is created or resides is not mounted with correct options
Linux-x86_64 Error: 13: Permission denied
Some recovered datafiles maybe left media fuzzy
Reason for the above error:
File system of production and standby database were different. So when New datafile '/opt/oraprod/tbs2.dbf'
was added to production db at the standby it could not create the same file as of production.
At the standby database:
sql> recover managed standby database cancel;
sql> select file#,name from v$datafile where name like '%UNNAMED%';
sql> alter database create datafile '/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/DB/dbs/UNNAMED00049' as '/opt/orastd/tbs2.dbf';
sql> recover managed standby database disconnect from session;
To avoid the above error just execute this statement:
sql> alter system set STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT=auto scope=both;
1. ORA-00368: Checksum error
2. ORA-01119: Error in creating database file
1. ORA-00368: Checksum error
ORA-00368: checksum error in redo log block
ORA-00353: log corruption near block 10241 change 2700 time 11/22/2007
ORA-00334: archived log: '/archivelog/oradb1_arc_10444_596803436.arc'
Reason for the above error:
If checksum of the archive file at the production and standby
database is different. Compare the checksum using md5sum.
a. If archive log file is present at the production box.
Then move the file to standby box.
b. Else Restore the archive log file from RMAN backup.
RMAN> restore archivelog logseq=42603 thread=1;
Transferred the file to standby box.
c. Make sure the checksum of the file ar prod and standbby box is same.
Use md5sum command.
d. Register the logfile:
SQL> alter database register or replace logfile '/archivelog/oradb1_arc_42603_596803436.arc';
2. ORA-01119: Error in creating database file
ORA-01119: error in creating database file '/opt/oraprod/tbs2.dbf'
ORA-27054: NFS file system where the file is created or resides is not mounted with correct options
Linux-x86_64 Error: 13: Permission denied
Some recovered datafiles maybe left media fuzzy
Reason for the above error:
File system of production and standby database were different. So when New datafile '/opt/oraprod/tbs2.dbf'
was added to production db at the standby it could not create the same file as of production.
At the standby database:
sql> recover managed standby database cancel;
sql> select file#,name from v$datafile where name like '%UNNAMED%';
sql> alter database create datafile '/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/DB/dbs/UNNAMED00049' as '/opt/orastd/tbs2.dbf';
sql> recover managed standby database disconnect from session;
To avoid the above error just execute this statement:
sql> alter system set STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT=auto scope=both;
RMAN Resoter and Recover
1. The whole database
RMAN> startup force mount;
RMAN> restore database;
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open;
2. Tablespace
RMAN> sql 'alter tablespace tbs1 offline';
RMAN> restore tablespace tbs1;
RMAN> recover tablespace tbs1;
RMAN> sql 'alter tablespace tbs1 online';
3. Datafile
RMAN> sql 'alter database datafile 5 offline';
RMAN> restore datafile 5;
RMAN> recover datafile 5;
RMAN> sql 'alter database datafile 5 online';
4. Block of a Datafile
RMAN> blockrecover datafile 5 block 126;
Sunday, November 11, 2007
SQL stetment of a USER
Below SQL query is used to find the SQL statement of a USER:
select sess.sid, sqltext.piece, sqltext.sql_text, sqltext.command_type
from v$sqltext sqltext, v$session sess
where sqltext.address = sess.sql_address
and sqltext.hash_value = sess.sql_hash_value
and sess.username = 'NAIKH'
order by 2;
Bloking Locks
SQL query to identify blocking locks:
select s.username "Blocking Username",l1.sid "Blocking SID", l2.sid "Blocked SID",s2.username "Blocked Username"
from v$lock l1, v$lock l2,v$session s,v$session s2
where l1.block =1 and l2.request > 0 and l1.id1=l2.id1 and l1.id2=l2.id2
and l1.sid=s.sid
and l2.sid=s2.sid;
select l.sid SID,
'Trans','UL','User',l.type) Lock_Type,
4,'Share',5,'S/Row-X',6,'Exclusive', l.lmode) Lock_Held_In,
4,'Share',5,'S/Row-X',6,'Exclusive',l.request) Lock_Req_In, l.ctime Duration_Seconds,
decode(l.block,0,'NO',1,'YES') Blocking
from v$lock l
where l.request != 0 or l.block != 0
order by l.id1, l.lmode desc, l.ctime desc;
Kill The Blocking Session
Find the 'serial' number of bloking session:
s.sid sid, s.serial# serial, s.osuser osuser, s.username username, s.module module,p.spid spid, s.process process, s.machine machine, last_call_et active_length, to_char(s.logon_time, 'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi:ss') logontime, s.status status
from v$process p, v$session s
where s.paddr = p.addr (+) and s.sid = '&sid';
Use alter system command to kill the session:
Alter system kill session '115,10366' immediate;
Monday, November 5, 2007
Links Part 1
Some useful links:
Oracle 9i funda1,funda2 and PT PPTs
Shell Scripting
1. Bash Guide for Beginners
2. Easy Shell Scripting
3. Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
One Liners
1. AWK
2. AWK2
3. SED
4. Perl
5. Solaris
1. Linux in a Nutshell
2. Red Hat Linux Unleashed
3. Linux Documentation Collection
1. System Administration Commands
2. Solaris 10 Documentation collection
3. Solaris Tips & Tricks
UNIX Unleashed
Oracle 9i funda1,funda2 and PT PPTs
Shell Scripting
1. Bash Guide for Beginners
2. Easy Shell Scripting
3. Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
One Liners
1. AWK
2. AWK2
3. SED
4. Perl
5. Solaris
1. Linux in a Nutshell
2. Red Hat Linux Unleashed
3. Linux Documentation Collection
1. System Administration Commands
2. Solaris 10 Documentation collection
3. Solaris Tips & Tricks
UNIX Unleashed
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Create Read-Write copy from Standby database.
Step by step procedure to Create a Read-Write copy from the Standby database on the same box.
Steps are devided into three parts
Part 1: Create new database
Part 2 : Rename the database
Part 3 : Start the standby database
Standby database name : stbydb
Read-Write copy database name : rwdb
Part 1: Create new database
1. Identify all the datafiles, redo log file and control files to be copied.
2. Create a SQL script to rename the datafiles and redo log files.
3. Create pfile from stbydb's spfile
4. Create pfile for rwdb
[oracle@naikh] cp initstbydb.ora initrwdb.ora
5. Shutdown the stbydb database
[oracle@naikh] export ORACLE_SID=stbydb
[oracle@naikh] sqlplus "/ as sysdba'
sql> alter database recover managed standby database cancel;
sql> shutdown immediate
6. Copy all the datafiles, redo log file and control files to new location
7. Edit the initrwdb.ora file
a. Change the CONTROL_FILE parameter path to new controlfile path
b. Remove followig parameters
i. standby_file_management
ii. log_archive_dest_1
iii. log_archive_format
c. Change the value of the following parameters with new value
i. audit_file_dest
ii. background_dump_dest
iii. core_dump_dest
iv. user_dump_dest
8. Create dump directories
[oracle@naikh] mkdir -p admin/rwdb/{adump,bdump,cdump,udump}
9. Rename the datafiles and redo log files
[oracle@naikh] cd $ORAACLE_HOME/dbs
[oracle@naikh] sqlplus "/ as sysdba'
sql> startup nomount pfile='initstbydb.ora'
sql> alter database mount;
sql> alter database rename file ''/old_path/system01.dbf' to
'/new_path/system01.dbf'; ;
10. Activate the standby database
sql> alter database activate standby database;
11. Open the database
sql> alter database open;
12. Create new temp tablespace, make this default and drop the old one.
sql> create temporary tablespace temp1
tempfile '/new_path/temp1.dbf' size 2048m
autoextend off
extent menagement local uniform size 1m;
sql> alter database default temporary tablespace temp1;
sql> drop tablespace temp;
13. Disable archive log mode
sql> shutdown immediate;
sql> startup mount pfile='initrwdb.ora';
sql> alter database noarchivelog;
sql> alter database open;
Part 2 : Rename the database
1. Mount the database
[oracle@naikh] cd $ORAACLE_HOME/dbs
[oracle@naikh] export ORACLE_SID=stbydb
[oracle@naikh] sqlplus "/ as sysdba'
sql> startup mount pfile='initrwdb.ora'
2. Run the NID utolity
[oracle@naikh] nid target=sys/oracle dbname=rwdb logfile=nid_rwdb.log
3. Edit the initrwdb.ora file
i. Change the DB_NAME parameter value to rwdb
4. Create new password file
[oracle@naikh] orapwd file=orapwrwdb password=oracle entries=5
5. Start the rwdb in reserlog mode
sql> alter dabase open resetlogs;
6. Create spfile
sql> create pfile from pfile;
7. Setup Listener and TNS
Part 3 : Start the standby database
1. Start the stdby database
[oracle@naikh] cd $ORAACLE_HOME/dbs
[oracle@naikh] export ORACLE_SID=stbydb
[oracle@naikh] sqlplus "/ as sysdba'
sql> startup nomount
sql> alter database mount standby database;
sql> alter database recover managed standby database disconnect;
Part 4 : Useful SQL statements
1. To get the command to copy all the datafiles,redolog files and controlfiles to new location use the following sql statement:
select 'cp '||name||'/new_path/'||
substr(name,instr(name,'/',-1,1)+1))||' &'
from (
select name from v$datafile
union all
select name from v$controlfile
union all
select member from v$logfile
2. To get the sql statements to Rename all datafiles and redolog files use the following sql statement:
select 'alter database rename file '''||name|| ''' to
from (
select name from v$datafile
union all
select member from v$logfile
Steps are devided into three parts
Part 1: Create new database
Part 2 : Rename the database
Part 3 : Start the standby database
Standby database name : stbydb
Read-Write copy database name : rwdb
Part 1: Create new database
1. Identify all the datafiles, redo log file and control files to be copied.
2. Create a SQL script to rename the datafiles and redo log files.
3. Create pfile from stbydb's spfile
4. Create pfile for rwdb
[oracle@naikh] cp initstbydb.ora initrwdb.ora
5. Shutdown the stbydb database
[oracle@naikh] export ORACLE_SID=stbydb
[oracle@naikh] sqlplus "/ as sysdba'
sql> alter database recover managed standby database cancel;
sql> shutdown immediate
6. Copy all the datafiles, redo log file and control files to new location
7. Edit the initrwdb.ora file
a. Change the CONTROL_FILE parameter path to new controlfile path
b. Remove followig parameters
i. standby_file_management
ii. log_archive_dest_1
iii. log_archive_format
c. Change the value of the following parameters with new value
i. audit_file_dest
ii. background_dump_dest
iii. core_dump_dest
iv. user_dump_dest
8. Create dump directories
[oracle@naikh] mkdir -p admin/rwdb/{adump,bdump,cdump,udump}
9. Rename the datafiles and redo log files
[oracle@naikh] cd $ORAACLE_HOME/dbs
[oracle@naikh] sqlplus "/ as sysdba'
sql> startup nomount pfile='initstbydb.ora'
sql> alter database mount;
sql> alter database rename file ''/old_path/system01.dbf' to
'/new_path/system01.dbf'; ;
10. Activate the standby database
sql> alter database activate standby database;
11. Open the database
sql> alter database open;
12. Create new temp tablespace, make this default and drop the old one.
sql> create temporary tablespace temp1
tempfile '/new_path/temp1.dbf' size 2048m
autoextend off
extent menagement local uniform size 1m;
sql> alter database default temporary tablespace temp1;
sql> drop tablespace temp;
13. Disable archive log mode
sql> shutdown immediate;
sql> startup mount pfile='initrwdb.ora';
sql> alter database noarchivelog;
sql> alter database open;
Part 2 : Rename the database
1. Mount the database
[oracle@naikh] cd $ORAACLE_HOME/dbs
[oracle@naikh] export ORACLE_SID=stbydb
[oracle@naikh] sqlplus "/ as sysdba'
sql> startup mount pfile='initrwdb.ora'
2. Run the NID utolity
[oracle@naikh] nid target=sys/oracle dbname=rwdb logfile=nid_rwdb.log
3. Edit the initrwdb.ora file
i. Change the DB_NAME parameter value to rwdb
4. Create new password file
[oracle@naikh] orapwd file=orapwrwdb password=oracle entries=5
5. Start the rwdb in reserlog mode
sql> alter dabase open resetlogs;
6. Create spfile
sql> create pfile from pfile;
7. Setup Listener and TNS
Part 3 : Start the standby database
1. Start the stdby database
[oracle@naikh] cd $ORAACLE_HOME/dbs
[oracle@naikh] export ORACLE_SID=stbydb
[oracle@naikh] sqlplus "/ as sysdba'
sql> startup nomount
sql> alter database mount standby database;
sql> alter database recover managed standby database disconnect;
Part 4 : Useful SQL statements
1. To get the command to copy all the datafiles,redolog files and controlfiles to new location use the following sql statement:
select 'cp '||name||'/new_path/'||
substr(name,instr(name,'/',-1,1)+1))||' &'
from (
select name from v$datafile
union all
select name from v$controlfile
union all
select member from v$logfile
2. To get the sql statements to Rename all datafiles and redolog files use the following sql statement:
select 'alter database rename file '''||name|| ''' to
from (
select name from v$datafile
union all
select member from v$logfile
Friday, October 12, 2007
Download VMware Server Now
Here is the link to download Free VMWARE : http://www.vmware.com/download/server/
You have to register before downloading.
You have to register before downloading.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Managing RAC Instances
1. Status of all RAC instaces
[oracle@naikh] srvctl status database -d testdb
2. Start all RAC instances
[oracle@naikh] srvctl start database -d testdb
3. Startup one RAC instance
[oracle@naikh] srvctl start instance -d testdb -i testdb1
4. Shutdown one RAC instance
[oracle@naikh] srvctl stop instance -d testdb -i testdb1
More info: Using srvctl to Manage your 10g RAC Database
[oracle@naikh] srvctl status database -d testdb
2. Start all RAC instances
[oracle@naikh] srvctl start database -d testdb
3. Startup one RAC instance
[oracle@naikh] srvctl start instance -d testdb -i testdb1
4. Shutdown one RAC instance
[oracle@naikh] srvctl stop instance -d testdb -i testdb1
More info: Using srvctl to Manage your 10g RAC Database
Sunday, July 29, 2007
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